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A new Nordplus Junior application in the final steps

Finland, Norway and Iceland have been working together in Nordplus Junior project named Geoheritage, culture and sustainable communities in rural areas in Finland, Iceland and Norway since August 2020. This has been a great cooperation and all participants have learned a lot even though Covid has affected greatly and we were not able to make all the planned visits.

During a visit in Norway last October the idea came up to apply for a new project. All projects leaders liked the proposal and we decided to apply for a preparatory visit to work further on our ideas. Our application was accepted and two representatives from each country met in Copenhagen the second week in January to write a new application and emphasize the main topic and aim for a new  project. This time we want to work on Natural resources and its utilization in the participating countries.

The work in Copenhagen went very well and we are on the way back home. There are some minor tasks to work on before finishing the application, which must be submitted that latest 1st of February 2023. Hopefully our application will be accepted so we can continue our cooperation.