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Guests from Finland and Norway on the way

Those students at FAS are participating in the newest partnership program at the school. The project is about Natural resources and how they are utilized in rural Finland, Norway and Iceland.  This project is under the Nordplus Junior program and will last for two years. There are 10 students in each country participating in the program.

Since the school started a few weeks ago the Icelandic participants have been working hard on preparing the first visit which is to Iceland. There is a lot of things to think about, e.g., make a program with both some activities and work connected to the topic. The guests will be hosted at student’s homes, so the student’s families are also involved.

Our guests will come to Iceland on the 1st of October and drive to Höfn next Monday. We will use next week for both work and also some fun. And of course, we want to show them a bit of our land.