Three schools have decided to participate in the project named NATURAL RESOURCES AND HOW TO UTILIZE THESE IN RURAL AREAS IN FINLAND, ICELAND AND NORWAY. The aim is to study what different natural resources we have in our areas and how we are utilizing those. We want to continue a phenomenal learning in this project. Schools will have cooperation with universities and different experts from other institutes. We want to strengthen our Nordic cooperation and identity.

Those three schools are Vaalan lukio/Vaala Upper Secondary School from Finland (as a coordinator) and Brønnøysund videregående skole from Norway and Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýslu from Iceland as partners

If our applicaton will be accepted this page will be the page for the project. Here we will upload all material regarding the project.


Logo for our project

One of the task this semester was to design a logo for the project. It was done in each country separately. It …

Saturday the 13th of April

Our journey home began in the morning. We headed from our hotel in Trondheim to the railwyastation. We took a train to …

Friday the 12th of April

Today we had a long travel day. Some of us woke up at around 4 am Norwegian time while others woke up …

Thursday the 11th of April

Today was our last full day in Brønnøysund. We had oatmeal for breakfast and finished the group project. At 12 we had …