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The NR group - October 2023.

Thursday 5th of October

Dear diary…

Today, 5th of October, we woke up to beautiful sunrise (hopefully everybody in the project looked out of window). We packed our luggage and went to school with them.

The whole morning we worked with our project groups and finished the posters. The day was full of funny and lovely conversations as well as wistful atmosphere, since it was our last day in Höfn. And like the days before most of us had lunch provided by host families but this time finnish kids got to eat the amazing school lunch at FAS. Last lunch break went so fast while chatting about the amazing time we’ve had here!

At the end of the day we were ready with the project and presented our posters to each other! Some of us also played some piano and sang together. After presenting was the hardest part of the whole trip, saying goodbye 🙁

It was sad ofcourse but thankfully we’ll see each other again next spring in Norway! After saying our goodbyes Norwegian and Finnish kids started their looooong trip to home. We spent many many many hours travelling to Keflavik on a bus and stopped to eat at KFC and then went to bed at the cozy airport hotel!

Thank you for everyone in the project, it was a pleasure to meet you! Iceland was like from another planet, so pretty! We are going to miss you guys! Until next time.. ❤ :finns