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On the roof of the visitor centre.

Monday 2nd of October

Today the Norwegian and Finnish students met for breakfast at the hostel before going to the bus that would eventually take us to Höfn later today.

Our first stop was Skógafoss, a beautiful waterfall. The students got to explore and look around for a bit. The second stop was in the small town, Vík. Here we got to see a black sand beach.

Then the trip continued to Kirkjubæjarklaustur and the brand new, almost-finished visitor centre of Vatnajökull National Park. Here we ate lunch and Fanney held a presentation for us. She gave us an overview of the park’s main goals and objectives. She also explained the importance of protecting the Icelandic nature as a part of protecting an important natural resource and a part of preserving the cultural heritage.

Our last stop on the trip today before making it to Höfn was the Glacier lagoon. We got to explore this spectacular place for a while and took some really nice photos.

Then we got on the bus to our final destination. Once in Höfn the students met up with their host families and went with them to have dinner.