Vaka Sif Tjörvadóttir


My name is Vaka Sif, I‘m 16 years old and I live in south-east Iceland in the small town called Höfn. I was born on the 31st of January 2008, and I am one year ahead of my peers. I study at Framhaldsskólinn í Austur-Skaftafellssýslu (FAS) and am in my second year there. At the moment I work a lot with disabled children and at the community center.

I'm the eldest sibling of a family of 6. My dad‘s name is Tjörvi and he is 44 years old, he works as a project manager of digital solutions and technology in the Municipality of Hornafjörður.  My mom‘s name is Guðrún she is 41 years old, she works as a project manager and marketing specialist at the Association of Municipalities of South Iceland. I have 2 little sisters and one brother, their names are Freyja, 14 years old, Steinunn, 9 years old, and lastly, Sturlaugur (Stulli) who is turning 6 years old later this year.

I love traveling and I once lived in Barcelona for a year when I was 6 years old. Later, I moved to Tenerife when I was 13 and lived there for 6 months. I love to learn new languages. Icelandic is my native language. The ones I'm practicing so far are English, Spanish, and Japanese. I play the flute and have been playing it for almost 9 years now. I love music and everything surrounding it. My hobbies are gym, music, traveling, learning and reading.

I want to study mathematics when I go to University and maybe become a mathematician and/or teacher.