Sævar Óli Helgason

Hello, my name is Sævar, I am turning 17 years old, I live in Höfn í Hornafirði or just Höfn, I have 4 siblings 2 younger brothers, 1 younger sister that passed when I was 2 years old and 1 older sister, and I live with my brothers and parents.

I am in my second year of upper secondary school, I work as an e-sport coach with school but at my grandpa's hotel in the holidays.

In my spare time I mostly go to the gym or play video games, I do play professionally in video games, but I am trying to get into a healthier habit, and sometimes I even go golfing when its good weather outside since I live next to the golf course.

I am excited to meet more people since there isn't much of a social life here in Höfn, and i thought this would be nothing but fun.