Margrét María Aradóttir


My name is Margrét María and I‘m 17 years old. I was born on November 10th 2006. I live with my family in a small town in southeast Iceland called Höfn í Hornafirði.

My mother‘s name is Sunna, and she works as a teacher at the elementary school. My father‘s name is Ari, and he works in Eimskip (I‘m not exactly sure what he does there). I am the second youngest of all my siblings. I have two sisters, one brother, and a small dog. I am starting my 3rd and last year at FAS. My favorite subject in school is design or German. I‘m planning to attend a Danish folk high school next fall.

In my free time, I enjoy playing volleyball, hanging out with friends and family, listening to music, working out, and traveling.

I chose to participate in this project to meet new people and learn about the environment.

I can‘t wait to meet you guys!