Kiti Metsola


My name is Kiti Metsola and I'm 17 years old. I'm a 2nd year student in Vaala’s upper secondary school. Originally, I come from Helsinki, but I moved to Vaala last year. My family includes my parents, my grandma, 3sisters, 2brothers (all my siblings have already moved out.)  and two dogs called Lapanen and Herbert. I live about 4km from the centre of Vaala in an old wood house.

My interests revolve around movies, video games, music, writing and history (I’m a nerd.). In my free time i usually tend to speak with my friends since they live all around Finland or then I just watch something, for example The Game Of Thrones or House Of The Dragon. But if it is a race weekend, I’m sitting in front of my tv eyes glued to the screen because of F1. I also have a car, but I haven't got my license yet. My poor old Camaro is just laying in the yard all alone :(

I tend to be a noisy extrovert that just can't shut their mouth. I usually blame it on my ADHD because sometimes I may be a little over energetic, especially when I get excited about something. But I swear I'm cool to be around.

This project caught my interest because I'm interested in other countries' cultures and landscapes! And I'm kind of challenging myself to speak more English!