Gunnar Óli Jónsson

My name is Gunnar Óli Jónsson and I am 17 years old. I live in Höfn in Hornafjörður. I live with my parents and my older brother. I have two siblings, one sister and one brother who are both older than me, so I am the youngest.

I am in Framhaldsskólinn í Austur Skaftafellssýslu (FAS). I have several hobbies, for example I like to play video games and I also like to hunt both birds and fish. In my spare time I sometimes watch Netflix or Disney+.

In the summer I work as a construction contractor and work a lot with concrete, but in the winter, I work at Olís, which is a gas station. I sometimes workout at home in the evening.

This was a bit about me ;)